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Our Team & Strategy

​The growing human population and increase of land and energy use has a terrible toll on so many vital ecosystems.   This is why it is so important to help preserve these fascinating ecological habitats.  Wetlands are ecosystems we need to protect for many important reasons.  They play a crucial part in many roles of the water cycle.  This specialized habitat provides protection of biodiversity because of its vernal pools and the many species living in them. 

Bryant University’s walking trail takes us through the wooded swamps on campus.  They are used for academics, athletics and recreation.  Team Organisms is a group of four environmentally motivated students who came together as a team in an Ecology course at Bryant University.  Our team will be promoting an ecological and educational experience for students and faculty to adventure into the essential ecosystems of the Bryant University Walking Trails.​

Team Organisms: Kelley Murrone, Kirby Bombard, Kelvin Fowler, and Andrew Vinnenberg

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